Finance Committee Meeting

Event Date: 
Monday, January 23, 2023 - 7:30pm

In compliance with the Governor’s emergency declaration relative to the conduct of public meetings, the Town has arranged to conduct remote meetings using Zoom video/audio conferencing.  **Important note** Sharon TV will likely broadcast virtual Board and Committee meetings on Sharon TV.  If you elect to enable your webcam, your image and background may be broadcast with or without sound. When the meeting is about to start, navigate to in your web browser, or click this link:

Join The Meeting using:  Meeting ID: 584 648 7446 and Password: 02067

The first time you use Zoom, a desktop client will be installed. Connect with computer audio to use your computer’s microphone and/or speakers. You will need to wait until the Host starts the meeting. Once the meeting starts, use the control in the top right corner to choose Speaker or Gallery view. You might want to pin the host video stream instead of having the video switch between participants as they speak while in Speaker mode.

If you don’t have a microphone and anticipate that you may want to speak, you can dial in using any one of these phone numbers and supply the Meeting ID: 584 648 7446.

1 312 626 6799               1 929 205 6099             1 253 215 8782               1 301 715 8592 

1 346 248 7799              1 669 900 6833 

To mute or unmute yourself, Press *6.  Note: If you plan to also use your computer to see participants and shared documents, do not use computer audio since it will create an echo with your computer speakers.