Update on Muscovy duck at Mann’s Pond

Mann's Pond duck

The Animal Control Office is aware of residents’ concern for the Muscovy duck at Mann's Pond on Billings Street.

“We have affectionately named him Clyde and there is a plan in place to retrieve him so he can be reconnected with his mates,” Animal Control Officer Rachel Oles said.

Unfortunately, while residents mean well, continuing to feed Clyde or attempting to capture him has interfered with rescue efforts made by the Animal Control Office and the rescue organization it is working with.

The State of Massachusetts and the Town of Sharon have licensing and laws regarding such activities. For residents’ safety and for the duck’s safety and health, residents are reminded not to feed Clyde, keep dogs leashed and controlled and do not attempt to capture the duck.

“Given the circumstances, Clyde is doing quite well for himself and is doing all the things that make for a happy duck,” Oles said.

Any questions or concerns can be directed to the Animal Control Office at 781-784-1513. If you see the Animal Control Officer at Mann’s Pond or out and about, the officer is happy to discuss what is happening and address any concerns.