Donations to Community Ed - a success!

Residents are asked to hold off bringing more general donations to the Community Ed Center at Sharon High School.

A town task force addressing the needs of new Sharon families in the Governor’s Emergency Shelter Program has been collecting items such as winter clothing.

Thanks to the generous support of the community, we have collected and distributed an abundance of items needed for the new families.

The task force is still collecting the following items: 

Items in good to excellent condition can be dropped off at Community Ed, 181 Pond St. between 8 a.m.- 4p.m.

To prepare for the holidays, donations of Walmart gift cards in amounts of $10 and $15 are also being collected to distribute to families to use for shopping. Gift cards may also be dropped off at the Community Education Center.

A town fund has been established to collect financial donations for transportation and other needs. Checks made payable to the Town of Sharon with memo stating “donation - new families” can be dropped off at or mailed to the Town Administrator’s Office, Town Offices, 90 S. Main St., or the Fire Department, 211 S. Main St.

Massachusetts has a “right to shelter” law for families with children and pregnant women, which means that shelter must be provided under the law. To be eligible, individuals have legally entered the US.

The state covers the cost of emergency shelter services for eligible families, including eligible costs for education, food assistance, medical care and other basic needs.

Updates on the task force’s work will be posted to this link on the town website,

If you are interested in volunteering or learning how you can directly help to support our new families, or if you have any questions, please reach out to school Assistant Superintendent, Meg Dussault who is currently chairing the Town's task force to support new families,