Board of Registrars Meeting

Event Date: 
Tuesday, June 27, 2023 - 7:30pm
LOCATION OF MEETING: In compliance with the Governor’s emergency declaration relative to the conduct of public meetings, the Town has arranged to conduct board and committee meetings using Zoom video and audio conferencing in an effort to minimize the spread of COVID-19. Interested citizens can attend the meeting remotely by clicking the URL code in your web browser and join the Meeting using this,
Meeting ID: 661-933-1292
and Passcode: 02067
Follow the instructions to join the meeting to listen or participate as you would if attending the meeting. For additional instructions see
Dial in #s:  1-312-626-6799     1-929-205-6099    1-253-215-8782
                  1-301-715-8592     1-346-248-7799    1-669-900-6833
This meeting may be presented live by Sharon Community TV, with the video and/or audio available for later broadcast.
DATE:     June 27, 2023
TIME:     7:30 P.M.
  1. Consider Appointments nominated by Party Town Committees for Election Officials for one-year terms starting on September 1, 2023. (vote anticipated)
  2. Consider Appointments for other Election Officials for one-year terms starting on September 1, 2023. (vote anticipated)
  3. Vote to approve Minutes – December 22, 2022
  4. Topics not anticipated within 48 hours of posting.
  5. Adjourn