Respiratory viruses on the rise in Massachusetts

Respiratory Viruses

The COVID-19 Positivity test rate reached above 10% in the past week for this area, according to the CDC.

Hospital admissions for COVID have risen to the moderate category in areas surrounding Norfolk County as well. The death rate and ICU admission rate for COVID-19 remains at 2 to 3 %.

The Sharon Health Department reminds residents that it is never too late to get your COVID booster shot.

The Health Department no longer has free COVID-19 test kits at Town Hall. However, free tests kits can still be ordered from the USPS at this link.

There are also free masks available at Town Hall for those in need.

Influenza A is also spreading in the area reaching a Moderate risk level.

The current flu vaccine is an excellent match for the Flu A variant. The Health Department reminds residents it is also never too late to get your annual flu vaccine.

Information and data on COVID rates and reporting, viral respiratory illnesses and wastewater surveillance reporting can be found at  this link on the town website.

What else can you do:

  • Stay home if you are sick.
  • Consider masking if you or a household member is immunocompromised.
  • Make a plan for testing if needed.
  • Remember respiratory etiquette/hand hygiene.