Personnel Board


The Mission of the Personnel Board is to assure an equitable human resources system exists within the Town of Sharon. The purpose of the system is to promote: the efficiency and economy of Town government; the morale and well being of Town employees; and, equal employment opportunity for all employees and candidates for employment.

It is the policy of the Personnel Board to:

  • Provide fair and equitable compensation for Town employees;
  • Classify and identify positions that are similar in respect to duties and responsibilities;
  • Provide adequate wages, salaries and supplementary benefits;
  • Provide appropriate rules and regulations for human resources personnel practices.

The Personnel Board is authorized by the Personnel By-Law to:

  • Approve the classification, work week and compensation for new employees;
  • Evaluate, classify, and title positions;
  • Make determinations regarding the pay rate for temporary transfers, promotions, and demotions;
  • Authorize interim and/or emergency changes of classifications, pay and supplementary benefits;
  • Hear appeals concerning classification, pay, and supplementary benefits.

Personnel Board actions affecting compensation and other interim changes to the Personnel By-Laws are incorporated in a Personnel Board warrant submitted to the Annual Town Meeting for ratification.

The Personnel Board consists of five members appointed by the Town Moderator. Each member serves for a term of three years and may be re-appointed.

Staff Contacts

Name Title
Sara Fox Administrative Assistant

Board Members

Name Title
Lauren Brendan Member
Sam Liao Member
Kathleen Kelley Chair
Allan Motenko Vice-Chair
Vacant Seat
Vacant Seat