Swimming Beach and Lake Testing

Memorial Beach

Localized cyanobacteria blooms continue to be reported in Lake Massapoag

OCTOBER 4, 2023 

Localized cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) blooms continue to be reported in Lake Massapoag with blue-green flecks seen in the water column away from the shore and green scum washing up near the shore (north, south, east and west). The green material can be transient, as it moves with the wind.

The amount of cyanobacteria does not currently warrant a public health advisory, but there are steps the public should take, according to the Lake Massapoag Advisory Committee.

If you see a green scum, sheen or flecks in the water, do not swim or let pets in the water and go to another location until it clears.

Report significant sightings to the Board of Health at lmclean@townofsharon.org, Conservation Department at jphilibert@townofsharon.org or Lake Massapoag Advisory Committee lakecom@townofsharon.org.

You can also download EPA's BloomWatch phone app at cyanos.org/bloomwatch and record it.


8/24/2022: The Sharon Board of Health voted unanimously to continue testing Community Center Beach and Veteran's Memorial Beach through the last Monday of September.

The beaches are considered officially closed when they are no longer manned by Lifeguard staff and swim at your own risk signage is posted.

Community Center Beach is closed to swimming for the 2023 season for a pilot study of the ongoing elevated E Coli levels. All swimming activities are now at Veteran's Memorial Beach for residents and non-residents alike. Veteran's Memorial Beach closes 8/20/2023.

Weekly results will continue to be posted here.

YTD Swimming Beach & Lake Testing results
(see attachments below)